Airdrie-area breweries credit community for helping them survive during pandemic
Check out this piece from July 28, 2020 Gary Poignant St. Albert Today.
Read full article: https://www.stalberttoday.ca/beyond-local/airdrie-area-breweries-credit-community-for-helping-them-survive-during-pandemic-2597827
“Community support has helped keep the beer flowing at Airdrie’s three craft breweries during COVID-19.
While the owners of Balzac Craft Brewing, 948 Brewing and Fitzsimmons Brewing have faced challenges over the past four months, all three outlets say area residents have played a key role since the pandemic hit.
“Our last four months can be summed up in one word… community,” said Balzac company spokesman Michael Ward.
“We really appreciate how our community has supported us,” said 948 Brewing co-owner/operator Kyle Wudrich. While Cody Fitzsimmons echoed a similar sentiment for his brewery, saying, “The residents of Airdrie are our biggest supporters.”